Alipate Aloisio Leone, popularly known as Tama Tonga, is often linked with WWE Champion Roman Reigns. The 40-year-old hails from a wrestling family, much like Reigns, as he is the adopted son of WWE legend Haku (Tonga Fifita).
Tama Tonga began his wrestling journey in 2008 alongside his brother Taula (Hikuelo). They trained with The Dudley Boyz in Kissimmee, Florida, and made their WWE debut as the 'Sons of Tonga' in November. However, the promotion wasn’t impressed by their performances.
Tonga’s career lifted off when he joined New Japan Pro Wrestling in 2010. He started as a solo act but gained renown as a tag team specialist when he was paired with Hirooki Goto and Strong Man. NJPW capitalized on his teaming abilities by directing him into the Bullet Club, and he later formed the Guerrillas of Destiny (GOD) with Tanga Loa and Hikuleo.
A seven-time IWGP Tag Team Champion with Tanga Loa, Tonga is still working on the Japanese promotion. His latest performance was at the NJPW New Year Dash 2023 on January 5 in a Four-Man Tag Team Match.
Are Tama Tonga and Roman Reigns related? The answer is no. Both superstars come from two distinctive indigenous communities. As the name suggests, Tama Tonga comes from the Tongan lineage, while Roman Reigns hails from the Samoan Anoai family tree.
Tonga is often mistaken for The Tonga Kid (Samuel Fatu). Although he isn't related to the Anoa'i group, his father has close relations with Rikishi (Solofa Fatu). They even teamed up inside the ring and considered themselves ‘brothers’.
Rikishi’s relations with Haku may lead to Tonga terming Roman Reigns as his 'cousin', much like Sami Zayn calls Jimmy and Jey his 'Uces.'
WWE is eyeing Tama Tonga: Could he be in Roman Reigns' Bloodline?
After more than a decade, Tama Tonga could be shifting to Stamford as reports of WWE hiring the NJPW star have garnered attention. It wouldn’t be a surprise if The Bloodline gets another member, considering how Sami Zayn is not bonded by blood.
Tama and Reigns could even be rivals. They were involved in a heated argument back in 2018 when the Bullet Club member was banned from Twitter due to an offensive video. While he was in lockdown, Reigns managed to get a screenshot of Tonga’s tweet and made fun of him. The latter’s reply was savage.
WWE could capitalize on that heat. A storyline based on how Tonga refuses to acknowledge The Tribal Chief and continuously challenges him for the top spot would be a great way to move forward after WrestleMania 39.
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