price, weight, material & more

Connor Bedard, the highly talented young ice hockey player, has impressed everyone with his exceptional skills and natural talent. One aspect of his game that has caught the attention of fans is the hockey stick he wields with great finesse. Bedard has opted for the BAUER AG5NT hockey stick, a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that

Connor Bedard, the highly talented young ice hockey player, has impressed everyone with his exceptional skills and natural talent. One aspect of his game that has caught the attention of fans is the hockey stick he wields with great finesse. Bedard has opted for the BAUER AG5NT hockey stick, a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that has set new standards in the industry.

Renowned for its lightweight design, the BAUER AG5NT is considered the lightest hockey stick currently available on the market. Weighing a mere 335 grams, this stick offers Connor Bedard a significant advantage on the ice. By reducing the weight, the stick enables him to maneuver swiftly, enhancing his stickhandling abilities and allowing for lightning-fast reactions.

The BAUER AG5NT stick is made using an innovative material called BORON, which has been carefully engineered to provide optimal performance. By combining BORON with carbon fiber, a commonly used material in hockey sticks, Bauer has created a stick that is not only incredibly lightweight but also possesses remarkable strength and durability.

Connor Bedard employs an elongated hockey stick that surpasses the typical length suitable for someone of his height. The average hockey stick size for adults is 36.5 inches.

Here's the price range of the four versions of the stick:

Bauer AG5NT Senior Hockey Stick - $359.99

Bauer AG5NT Intermediate Hockey Stick - $329.99

Bauer AG5NT Junior Hockey Stick - 50 Flex - $269.99

Bauer AG5NT Junior Hockey Stick - 40 Flex - $249.99

One of the standout features of the BAUER AG5NT stick is its exceptional shot release speed. Thanks to the ultralight composition and the careful design, this stick boasts the quickest shot release ever produced by Bauer. Bedard's swift hands and lightning-quick shot release are amplified by this cutting-edge stick, allowing him to surprise goaltenders and find the back of the net with remarkable precision.

The color variation of the BAUER AG5NT stick that Connor Bedard has been seen using includes a green model as well as a red model, with the latter being prominently used during the 2023 World Junior Championships.

What type of curve does Connor Bedard prefer?

Connor Bedard is known for utilizing the P92 curve in his hockey stick. This curve is an open-face curve that provides advantages for stick handling, shooting, and saucer passing. Bedard effectively utilizes this curve to score many goals, deliver excellent passes, and effortlessly maneuver around opposing players.

In a video with Bar Down on Twitter, Connor Bedard confirms his use of the P92 curve. He mentions that the P92 is one of the most popular curves in hockey. It is categorized as a mid-toe curve, indicating that the blade opens up and curves significantly from the middle to the toe section. The pronounced curve of the P92 makes it easier to lift the puck off the ice.

Although the P92 is not the largest curve available, it is still considered a substantial curve, particularly when compared to the P88 curve. Another curve with an even greater size and toe curve is the P28. While the P28 opens up similarly to the P92, its actual curve is much more pronounced.

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