Top 10 Amethyst Lump locations in Genshin Impact

Amethyst Lump is a forging material exclusively found in the Inazuma region of Genshin Impact. It can be used to forge a wide range of Inazuma weapons such as Amenoma Kageuchi, Hakushin Ring, Hamayumi, Katsuragikiri Nagamasa, and Kitain Cross Spear.

Amethyst Lump is a forging material exclusively found in the Inazuma region of Genshin Impact. It can be used to forge a wide range of Inazuma weapons such as Amenoma Kageuchi, Hakushin Ring, Hamayumi, Katsuragikiri Nagamasa, and Kitain Cross Spear.

There are 136 Amethyst Lumps that spawn in Genshin Impact and they can respawn every three days. Crafting an Inazuma weapon will require 50 Amethyst Lumps, hence, it is recommended that players farm for these items early.

How to find Amethyst Lumps in Genshin Impact

Amethyst Lumps are shiny purple ores and can be spotted easily from a long distance. They are native to Inazuma and cannot be found in any other region. Here are the top 10 locations that can help players in getting them in large numbers.

1) Konda Village

Teleport to Konda Village and head towards the river. Move along the edge and collect nine Amethyst Lumps near the water.

Konda Village (Image via Interactive World Map)

2) Araumi

The seashore on Araumi is a great location to get eight Amethyst Lumps. Make sure to collect the two lumps underneath the waterfall.

Interestingly enough, Araumi is also the location for the first special treasure in the ongoing Lost Riches event.

Araumi (Image via Interactive World Map)

3) Grand Narukami Shrine

The Grand Nurakami Shrine, which plays an important role in Genshin Impact's several World Quests such as The Gourmet Supremos, contains six Amethyst Lumps. As usual, they are located near stone walls and water bodies on the way towards the top.

Grand Narukami Shrine (Image via Interactive World Map)

4) Mt. Yougou

Mt Yougou, which the players must have visited during the Yougou Cleansing quest, is a great spot to get Amethyst Lumps as well.

Mt. Yougou (Image via Interactive World Map)

There are seven lumps on the way to the peak that can be found on several bedrocks.

5) Kamisato Estate

By teleporting to the Kamisato Estate, and moving towards the seashore, players can avail 6 Amethyst Lumps on their way.

While some are on Inazuma's shore, others are on the surrounding islands.

Kamisato Estate (Image via Interactive World Map)

6) Kujou Encampment

Exploring Kujou Encampment is certainly worth it for players searching for Amethyst Lumps in Genshin Impact. Of the eight lumps that spawn in the area, five are near the Teleport Waypoint.

Kujou Encampment (Image via Interactive World Map)

7) Kujou Encampment- Tatarasuna link

The island bridge that connects the Kujau Encampment with Tatarasuna contains seven Amethyst Lumps.

Start from Kujou and gradually head towards Tatarasuna through the islands to collect them all.

Amethyst Lump locations (Image via Interactive World Map)

8) Tatarasuna

Tatarasuna's mountains, and the small electro island in front of it, are the biggest sources of Amethyst Lumps in Genshin Impact.

There are 15 lumps combined, and the best strategy is to start farming from the Tatarasuna island itself. Thereafter, head towards the beach and the farthest island visible on the map.

Tatarasuna (Image via Interactive World Map)

9) Jakotsu Mine

The Jakotsu Mine contains six Amethyst Lumps, and players can begin their farming route from the domain in the region. Eventually, they should move towards Serpent's Head via an underground cave.

Jakotsu Mine (Image via Interactive World Map)

10) Inazuma City

It comes as no surprise that Inazuma City also contains five Amethyst Lumps. However, players must note that the items are underneath the urban structures.

Inazuma City (Image via Interactive World Map)

They must teleport to the upper part of the city and then jump towards the seashore. Thereafter, look for Amethyst Lumps beside water bodies and rocks.

These are some of the most beneficial farming locations if you want to collect Amethyst Lumps in Genshin Impact. Inazuma is full of other valuable resources too, such as the Crystal Marrow.

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