Free wishes, companion, gadget, and login event details

Genshin Impact will be celebrating its third anniversary on September 28, 2023, in the upcoming version 4.1 update. During this game's recent 4.1 Special Program livestream, HoYoverse officially revealed the contents of the 4.1 patch, alongside exciting anniversary rewards. Travelers who log into this title in that version will be able to obtain enough Primogems

Genshin Impact will be celebrating its third anniversary on September 28, 2023, in the upcoming version 4.1 update. During this game's recent 4.1 Special Program livestream, HoYoverse officially revealed the contents of the 4.1 patch, alongside exciting anniversary rewards. Travelers who log into this title in that version will be able to obtain enough Primogems and Intertwined Fates for 20 pulls on the gacha banners, in addition to a companion, gadget, and much more.

The rewards for Genshin Impact's 2023 anniversary are divided into two parts. Some can be obtained via a seven-day login campaign, while others will be sent to players in their in-game mail. This article will cover all the information regarding the anniversary rewards and how to claim them.

Genshin Impact Anniversary 2023 Rewards

Officially announced list of third-anniversary rewards (Image via HoYoverse)

September 28, 2023, will mark the third anniversary of Genshin Impact. In the recent Version 4.1 Special Program livestream, HoYoverse offered a brief overview of what to expect in the game's forthcoming update. While most of the provided information was standard — like upcoming banners, weapons, events, etc. — one particular piece of news about the 2023 anniversary rewards was rather exciting.

It appears the rewards for the third anniversary are quite similar to previous ones. HoYoverse will provide some rewards via in-game mail and others through a seven-day login campaign called "Bathing in Flowing Moonlight." A complete list of this year's anniversary rewards is provided below.

These are the rewards that can be claimed from the Bathing in Flowing Moonlight seven-day login campaign:

  • 10x Intertwined Fate
  • 80,000 Mora
  • 18x Mystic Enhancement Ore
  • 8x Hero's Wit

These are the anniversary rewards that can be obtained via the in-game mail:

  • 1x Itty Bitty Octobaby (Companion)
  • 1x Portable Aerodynamic Gelatinous Bubble Generator (Gadget)
  • 1600x Primogems
  • 4x Fragile Resin

Upcoming Itty Bitty Octobaby pet and gadget in Genshin Impact 4.1

In the Genshin Impact Anniversary 2023 breakout, it was revealed that Itty Bitty Octobaby will be a brand-new pet that will soon be introduced in 4.1. It will be provided to players during the 2023 third anniversary celebrations via in-game mail. This companion can be selected to follow you around similar to Endora or the Cloud Retainer's Damasked Device, which was a part of the second anniversary celebrations.

The Itty Bitty Octobaby's design is based on an octopus, and it appears he may follow the Traveler while encased in a small bubble. This would be a quite refreshing addition to the game, considering it has been quite some time since Genshin Impact received a new companion.

A new gadget called Portable Aerodynamic Gelatinous Bubble Generator will also be offered alongside the companion in version 4.1. This device is reminiscent of a children's toy bubble gun and seemingly can be used in the overworld to generate bubbles.

Stay tuned for more details about the 4.1 anniversary update.

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