Katie Holmes scolded for bringing Suri to American Idol

Little Suri Holmes often looks upset and can be seen cowering in paparazzi photos. Its little wonder when you watch video of Suri out with her parents. There are tons of flashes going off and strangers calling the little girls name. Some other kids seem to take the paparazzi in stride, but it really bothers

Little Suri Holmes often looks upset and can be seen cowering in paparazzi photos. It’s little wonder when you watch video of Suri out with her parents. There are tons of flashes going off and strangers calling the little girl’s name. Some other kids seem to take the paparazzi in stride, but it really bothers three-year-old Suri and we’ve had some discussion here over whether her parents should work harder to protect her from the unwanted attention and stress. Some attention is unavoidable and of course the paparazzi, not the parents, are responsible. On the other hand Katie and Tom have taken Suri out to dinner with them late at night when she might be happier at home.

A story from Cindy Adams’ column in the NY Post shows that observant fans aren’t the only ones worried about Suri’s well being. The wife of Goran Visjnic, the hot Croatian doctor on ER, supposedly scolded Katie at an American Idol taping for bringing Suri to an environment not suited for children:

KATIE Holmes, obviously loving cameras and spotlights, shlepped her 3-year-old to last week’s “American Idol” finale. The fans were shrieking. The paparazzi were hyper. The kid was shaking. Watching this, Ivana Visnjic, artist wife of actor Goran Visnjic, volunteered a lesson in motherhood with: “What are you doing? This is no environment to bring a baby! You’re traumatizing this baby.” Holmes promptly left.

[From The NY Post]

I’m kind of conflicted about this story. My son has food allergies that can make him flip out. I’ve had people yell at me for a temper tantrum my son is throwing at a time when he ate something he wasn’t supposed to and was having a reaction to it. It’s the most stressful time when your child is upset and it makes it worse when judgmental people chime in. At the same time, I’ve seen Suri out in the fall without a coat or tights on and just wanted to bundle her up. It’s sometimes hard to resist the urge to give advice even though it can be annoying when people do the same thing to you.

So Suri was supposedly upset at the premiere of American Idol. It’s very likely that Katie had no idea it would be that chaotic and hard for her to handle and she was probably very concerned about it. Katie has said in the past that Suri loves Idol. You can’t always judge ahead of time if a situation is going to be the best for your child and I can’t blame Katie for wanting to bring Suri to see Idol. She was probably very worried about Suri and stressed out about it at the time. To top it off she got a talking-to by a condescending woman who acted like she was a bad mom for bringing a little girl to a big show.

Tom, Katie and Suri will head to Melbourne, Australia later this year so that Katie can work on the film Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark. The Australian tourism board is ready to welcome them with open arms.

Katie and Suri are shown out on 5/18/09. Katie is also shown yesterday, 5/27/09, in LA. Credit: INFphoto.com

