Update: The background is that Paris Hilton left a ton of personal items in storage as she was moving. No one paid the bill, and it was sold at auction and is now available online.
I ponied up the $40 for Paris Hilton’s crap on the Paris Exposed website and there’s so much junk there it’s incredible. They do a decent job of organizing and presenting it, and since it’s a tax deduction I don’t regret subscribing.
I’ll have to break it up into several posts as I can’t review everything at once and I’ll just have to give you stuff as I go. Look for a lot more photos and details on Monday.
Paris has got to be hurting right now. It’s one thing for people to say she’s on drugs, has herpes, is bulimic, is a dumb slut and is narcissistic. It’s another to be given such a wealth of evidence, including a Valtrex prescription receipt and diary entires in her own childish hand.
The entry on the header image, which is also the first thumbnail below, is the most revealing.
Paris says she wants to get organized, exercise more, quit using, go to AA and get a sponsor. If she feels like throwing up, she tells herself to “talk to someone.”
Those resolutions seem like a one-shot deal as the rest of her journals are filled with random phone numbers, schedules, and thoughts.
Here are some journal pages. She labels one person named Alex “Chink Guy” next to his phone number. I’ve also heard that she uses the N word in the videos on the site, but I’ve only seen some segments as I found them pretty annoying. It’s not news that Paris is a bigot.
There’s also a page with an idea for a Hello Kitty Paris character, and she writes “Paris and Nicky Barbies” on her Hello Kitty stationary along with painstakingly copying three pages of lines from Eurotrip.
I blurred out the phone numbers, but the Paris Exposed site did not. Anyone who has ever given Paris their phone number has got to regret it since this is the second time her friends’ numbers have been published.